Sunday, July 22, 2012


Hi! Welcome back. So nice to see you again! Come around back. I'm hanging out laundry.
Do your children have a 'lovey', a comfort item? This poor old blanket is my son's. Once, in 2001, it was new with freshly stitched paw prints running across it. A 'Zoo Blankey' made for a precious baby boy.
Today it is a cherished comfort item. It has seen Matt through several hospitalizations and Cub Scout camping trips. It has traveled with us to many events that would have stressed him out had he not had it with him. It has also been wrapped around his bed pillow and protected him from various bedroom monsters!
At eleven years he is needing his lovies less and less, but still is not ready to box these up. He's still a little boy in many ways.

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?