Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Holy Experience

I am addicted to
Her blog nurtures my soul. It speaks to me in ways nothing else does.
Yesterday was a perfect example.
She wrote on prayer...
and on a prayerful posture...
and on having the right heart for prayer.
And I read...
and I cried...
for hours.
Some tears were visible. Most were hidden.
But He saw all. He knew the conviction in my heart for my behavior. He saw my repentance for not paying more often,
and more importantly,
more wholesomely.
He broke down my rebellion as I sat 20 minutes after reading her blog refusing to 'hit my kness' as I was taught. He waited patiently by my side and then walked me into the next room and watched His daughter humble herself in prayer. And He stayed close and listened. And He led me to the book of Job and the lesson of who is really in charge here.
Then He kept working in me as I went through the rest of my day.
"Who are you really in me?", He asked.
"Who are you trying to please?"
And so, today, I am more cautious, more reverent, more prayerful, more deliberate...
And I feel calm and content...
Willing to pray
And willing to change my life
His way.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?