Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Be Grateful Challenge~ April 2012

1st~ yummy breakfast at church cooked by Sister Robin; Sunday school and introducing my kids to Youth Group; another letter to Meuni and two girls I can trust to write to her; Pastor and 1st Lady Wallace; my whole church family; hugs; my grandson; my daughter's smile at her wedding; being seated next to a good friend; intelligent, meaningful conversation; the unusual peace that comes from personal exclusion; my son; a peaceful evening at home

2nd~ a sweet boy's smile; a smoothly running morning; Matt ready when the bus came; fresh, hot coffee; yummy breakfast; an unexpected call from an old friend; a sweet request; a good son; a nice drive; dinner with Lady Pat and plans set for Youth Group; a quiet evening at home; a sweet, patient boy to snuggle

3rd~ snuggles; quiet morning; fresh, hot coffee; breakfast burritos; early to work; having a job; peaceful office; finding Joy Dare for April 2012; Von; Eme; Aiden's visit and him not wanting to leave me; a kiss from Matt; Devon mowing

4th~ a sweet boy; a new experience; a really nice visit with a friend; re-acquaintance; openness; honesty; seeing a dear friend quietly and humbly embrace God's will for his life; seeing a future I've only dreamed of; rethinking who I am and what I want vs His will and his wishes; helping clean the church with Lady Pat; a quiet meal at church with friends; Bible study

5th~ peaceful morning; made bed; fresh, hot coffee; hope; inner smile; love of true friends; work completed; projects planned; laundry hung; Avon meeting at Hilton Garden Inn in Tinley Park and a new sense of motivation; a boy snuggled; a letter ready to be mailed

6th~ Matt off school (time together); finding a letter to Meuni I thought I mailed; mailing 2 letters; showing up at work early enough to check 3 rental properties and still pretty much punch in on time; Avon order showing up UPS; a property being tidied; being heard and respected; a call from a friend in need and being able to help; a quick chat with another friend; errands for work; listening to Matt and Jacob play with their 3DS' together

I have been very sick for many days and, although very grateful for all He has done for me, have not been up to blogging... ...

24th~ gentle morning sun; a sweet, patient boy; fresh hot coffee; amoxicillin; Walgreens getting my ear drops in; being able to leave work to drive to New Lenox and pick up my ear drops; friends who call to check on me periodically; emails to remind me of scouting events I'd fogotten; a sweet boy and realization of consequences; "faith like potatoes" and the friend who gave it to me;

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?