Thursday, March 15, 2012

Joy Dare~ March 2012

1) 3 gifts at 3:00pm~ peace; a kind word from a friend; fire wood from a friend
2) 3 gifts green~ daffodils; Avon money; peas
3) 3 gifts wore~ bandana; cuddle duds; humility
4) 3 gifts hard to give thanks for~ unexplained blessings; child early to bed; chickens in a happy home
5) 3 gifts found~ a true friend; a caring solid leader; strength
6) a gift bent, a gift broken and a gift beautiful~ fence; financial plans; freshly made bed
7) 3 gifts in the kitchen~ hot coffee; green tea with honey; my church family
8) 3 gifts loud~ Jeep radio playing 104.7 WBGL; wind around my office window; McDonald's Playland w/ Matt to catch up paperwork :)
9) 3 gifts carved~ doubt from my heart; firewood; the hill my house is on
10) 3 gifts in Christ~ a kind word from Lady Pat; Matt reading Proverbs 10 to me; World Vision
11) 3 gifts read~ Sunday school homework; Bible; 'Have a New Kid by Friday'
12) a gift in wind, in water, in white~ warm breeze; laundry done; socks mated
13) 3 gifts round~ Matt cooking homemade 'egg mcmuffins'; God's never-ending love for us; coffee pot
14) 3 gifts found in silence~ peaceful neighborhood this morning; my office (where I'm not allowed to talk); focus on my family's future God's way
15) 3 gifts given away~ my heart; my plans to be replaced by His plans;
16) 3 hard Eucharistoes (daily pursuit to recognize His blessings)~
17) a gift turned,a gift folded, a gift hung~
18) 3 gifts red~
19) 3 gifts eaten~
20) 3 gifts that made you laugh~
21) a gift salty, a gift sweet, a gift just right~
22) 3 gifts found in His Word~
23) 3 gifts found in women today~
24) 3 gifts spoken~
25) a gift sung,a gift written, a gift painted~
26) 3 gifts almost gone~
27) 3 gifts redeemed~
28) 3 gifts entwined~
29) 3 gifts of His promises~
30) 3 gifts uncovered~
31) a gift heard, a gift held, a gift hoped for~

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?