Sunday, March 18, 2012

Digging for Dinosaurs!

Good Evening! If you, like myself, are feeling abandoned by Leapfrog, might I suggest the Nintendo 3DS? A year before Matt aged out of the didj, his broke and I found Leapfrog had just discontinued it. I was beside myself~ the didj was a necessity in our home. It was an amazing educational tool and calmed Matt.
Then I found the DSi and a few educational games. I was suspicious at first as it looked more like a game system than an educational experience, but, by the time we upgraded to the 3DS, I was sold!
Matt now has 6-7 educational games including 'Brain Age' and 'Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?'
Tonight he's playing 'Digging for Dinosaurs' where he plays as each dinosaur and must learn their true characteristics to win. He did a lot of chores voluntarily to earn time 'playing' tonight!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?