Monday, March 19, 2012

Babies~ Mommy's Heart

                                                Candace Elizabeth

                                 Matthew Rowley

Brooklyn Renee

Precious little bundles that steal our hearts!
For years I had the names of my babies and their birthdays/ miscarriage days written on a small piece of paper tucked away safely.  Each name held a sweet memory of a tiny life so fragile and new. Each a unique personality yet to bloom.
Then there came a day when I decided I just had to move on. It was time to quit mourning babies lost and just thank God daily for the two He allowed me to keep.
Finally I was strong in the knowledge that He needed my little ones more than I did and that they were always in my heart. Knowing that they are in heaven praising Him in a way I can't even begin to fathom blesses me daily. 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?