Friday, February 10, 2012

Why? More Rambling Thoughts on My Life...

I'm at my desk, as usual, catching up payroll and balancing rent books (if you're a facebook friend you know this is what I do every day)... and my thoughts are pretty much my own to ramble where they will... been thinking that I really, really need one of those little recorders Joliet Junior College book store sells for kids to record lectures... I get ideas sometimes (mostly when driving) and need to record them until I can get them on paper... lose so many good ideas (my best ones) due to inability t write each down at the time I think of them!  :( 
And am I doing too many things right now? filling the void with 1000 little activities... which ones really mean something to me? what should I be doing? did the dust bunnies really eat the cleaning fairy? Why did I feed the dish washing fairy to the chickens instead of chaining her to the kitchen sink?
Matt's going camping with boy Scouts tonight  :) he'll have so much fun... it'll be so good for him to hang in the woods with the guys without me...
payroll's caught up... ready for me to take a vacation day tomorrow... Candi just needs to finish it up and fax it tomorrow  :)
Yup! I'm taking a vacation day! I'm so excited!!! Tonight I drop Matt off to leave for camping, then I need to haul in firewood, eat something and head to choir practice... tomorrow I can, possibly, sleep in... yeah, we all know that's not gonna happen! Hmmm... maybe... up early... breakfast... wonder if they need any help at the church? also, I need to do a bit of work outside at my house... and want to measure the lot again for a project I'm working on... tee hee!!! :)
Article in today's Joliet Herald News~ "Naperville sets limit on neighborhood chickens", by Hank Beckman for Sun-Times Media... funny how amazingly progressive Naperville is compared to Joliet, IL! Joliet allows No Chickens, Naperville allows eight (8).
Yup~ I've been asked to remove Farmer Fred and his crazy harem from my property! Farmer Fred and the girls are currently perusing classified ads looking for new digs... if anyone local knows of a coop with room for them, please contact me.
I can honestly say that I am glad we were able to enjoy our 'children' for as long as we were... starting with raising them from day-old chicks as part of Matt earning a Cub Scout belt loop... the joy of watching them grow and their personalities develop...
the opportunity to teach neighborhood children about raising chickens... cleaning the coop... watching their faces the first time they took a tray of kitchen scraps into the chicken run... having city kids show up to rake out the run or shovel out the coop... looking for juicy worms and bugs to shove through the chicken wire to be gobbled up by our wild and crazy 'children'!
Looking at the challenge "101 Things in 1001 Days"...
I'm a list maker by nature, so this is right up my alley!
Yup! I'm gonna do it!!!
Ad this to the nutty things I do to keep busy/ from thinking while waiting for a husband~~ LOL


  1. Terry Edmonds Chinquapin RidgeFebruary 10, 2012 at 2:03 PM

    Good luck finding a new home. If I were closer I would take them on. Its a shame people cant be free to have what they need.

  2. Yes, it's sad the way the rules work here... right now it feels a 'bit' like martial law... I'm sad to see my children rehomed, but have a lead on a good family to take them in :)
    On the flip side of the equation, I have been remotivated to finish the plans for 'out back'... things that have been rattling around in my mind are finally being put on pape and lists of needed supplies are being written...
    Also, the Will County agent that contacted me does like my plans for pergolas covered with flowers across the front of my house and over my drive... so, I am seeing that there will be someone in my corner for that progress to be made...
    And I am rethinking all my perimiter options vs home security... =bette fence and locking gates!
    It will all work out for His will in my life~ it's just aggravating when you're tying to do what's right for your family and not bothering anyone and someone throws a wrench into the gears.. slowed me down for a minute, Then... charged my battery!!!

  3. Well, the kids have all been relocated. The family that picked them up seemed really nice and I think Fred and the girls will be spoiled. My only concern is that she hasn't been letting her chickens out because of coyotes. Farmer Fredand his crazy harem are used to being outside every day. They are not going to be very happy with this change. Sure wish we could have kept them!
    On a side note, I am seriously considering going to city council, maybe at the end of summer, to try to get the zoning code on chickens changed. If Brooklyn, NY andother cities are able to see how be sustainable and self-sufficientis beneficial to it's residents, I'm sure the officials of Joliet could be brought up to speed!


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?