Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Laundry Bin Perspective

Hi! Welcome back to our little corner of chaos! Yes, those are Matt's laundry bins lined up in the hall. I had him place these out here as he wasn't maintaining them in his room.
He just couldn't seem to see which bin had the most laundry/ which load was a priority. Now, when he does a load of his laundry as part of his Family Life merit badge, I can more easily show him how to choose the load to wash first. With the bins lined up in the open it is more obvious.
My thought is that, in being taught this daily for 90 days, he will soon have perspective that will last a lifetime (and the bins will be returned to his stacker in his bedroom).
Has anyone else tried the laundry stacker? How is it working with your children?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?