Friday, March 2, 2012

Joy Dare~ February 2012

13th~ 3 gifts found behind a door~ bathroom scale; recycling bag; happy chickens

14th~ 3 ways you feel the love of God~ how pretty my laundry on the clothesline looked w/ snow on it; Matt all snuggled up to watch a movie and chat; facebook messages from true friends

15th~ a gift in losing something , in finding something, in making something~ lost ID/ road trip to DMV; Peace of the Lord found in new directions taken/ new friendships forged; raspberry pancakes for Matt's breakfast

16th~ 3 gifts in shadows~ logs from Michael for fire; tender kiss, bar of aromatherapy soap for my bath

17th~ 3 gifts found giving/ serving~ soft, loving reponse; trusting heart; a sincere hug

18th~ 3 gifts on paper~ paycheck; Avon orders; books balanced

19th~ 3 gifts that were 'plan B's'~ making copies for Sunday school last minute; dinner from church; Matt to bed on time

20th~ a gift at breakfast, lunch and dinner~ hot coffee and obedience; prayer and sunshine; snuggles

21st~ 3 gifts white~ fluffly hen; clean, sun dried towels; mail

22nd~ 3 gifts that changed today~ perspective; prayerful trust; obedience to His will 

23rd~ a gift of tin, of glass, of wood~ coffee can humidifer; view from kitchen window;

24th~ 3 gifts before 11:00am~ Avon orders; dinner out; peaceful office

25th~ a gift nearly worn out, a gift new, a gift made-do~ comforter; angel statue; cat box

26th~ 3 gifts seen as seen reflections~ love in a young girl's face; motherly concern; son reading Bible

27th~ 3 ugly-beautiful gifts (see beauty in ugly)~ repurposed bandana; heart growing in love and obedience to Christ; a hardened heart softening, if only for a minute

28th~ 3 gifts from the past- that helped you trust the future~ Bible; my Grandmas' perseverence; a wedding ring from an old family friend for me to wear someday

29th~ a gift dull, a gift shimmering, a gift cleaned~ a sleepy voice; feathers in the sun; laundry 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?