Thursday, February 16, 2012

Downsizing as I Walk with Him

Downsizing can be a true blessing, too. Deliberately being happy with less and less, instead of looking to material things for peace and joy, looking to Him who gives us each new day!
Every day I make a conscious effot to eliminate something superficial from my life~ extra silverware, clothes, food, furniture, fresh produce... Anything that I honestly don't need, but could bless someone else's life. My family is so fortunate as I have a steady paycheck at a flexible job and we have our own home.
Although we do live way below the poverty level, we have so much more than money can buy~ we have love, peace and integrity in our walk.


  1. Thanks for these concise but profound thoughts. I know that my "stuff" consumes more times than it should. I pray I'll be sensitive to God's voice in this area. And I pray for you as well as you downsize and use your writing gifts to encourage and make us think. I'm so glad you linked up with Bless a Blogger this week, and I'd love if you'd include our button on your sidebar or in your post. We're such a new hop, so it really helps get the word out so more bloggers can bless and be blessed.
    It's located Here:
    Thanks and God bless you!

  2. @ Gail~ I was unable to add your button correctly~ could you, please, send me the code? ((hugs))

  3. @ Gail~> I try to keep my blog and my walk such that others are encouraged and challenged to follow Him more closely! I pray I am following his perfect will for my days and that all I do is pleasing to Him.


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?