Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Johnny Cake Surprise!

Hello! Welcome back!
In my quest to cut expenses/ shopping trips and practice using what we already have in our pantry, I did a little experiment with the
Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix.
For the first batch, I mixed the box of corn muffin mix with one fresh egg, 1/2 can (1 cup) applesause, a handful of raisins and a good sprinkling of both cinnamon and nutmeg. Yes, I know this sounds interesting/ outrageous, yet it was absolutely delicious! Matt ate all the johnny cakes made from this batch!!!
For the second batch, I mixed in the egg, applesauce, raisins,nutmeg and cinnamon. Then I added a handful of coconut! I like coconut, but wasn't sure Matt would eat it. It was so yummy!
This is definitely a recipe I will be repeating and varying.
Maybe diced apples...? Blueberry pie filling instead of applesauce...?
The possibilities are endless!
Happy Munching!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?