Thursday, January 5, 2012

Incubator Test Run

Good Morning and welcome back! Come on into the kitchen and see what I'm up to (latest mischief).
I am doing a bit of a test-run with an egg incubator a friend gave me. The nice people at 'Big R' in Morris, IL said this is the model the school teachers use in their classrooms, so it must work reasonably well, right? I am hoping as my friend had no success with it.
The instructions said to keep it in a room with an average temperature of 65-70F~ my thermostat is set at 55F. It also said to place a pan of water under it~ I set the whole house humidifier next to it. Improvising seems to be the mainstay of our household these days. That and re purposing!
Now to wait and see how many eggs will hatch and what our chicks will look like.
I feel like an expectant mama!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?

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