Saturday, January 21, 2012

'1000 gifts'

Hi! Welcome back!
I have a new thought for you... at least I think it's a new thought...
I saw brief info on '1000 gifts' at and thought, "what if I begin to look for the gifts He gives me every day?"
In all actuallity, everything I see is truly a gift from Him... this will, hopefully, open my eyes more to how appreciative I should be of everything He does for me...
maybe it will open the eyes/ hearts of my readers also...
So, the way this works, as I understand it, is to photograph and post your gifts~ the things He has given you... to focus on all you have to truly be grateful for...
Focus on all the positives in your life... rejoice in all the treasures laid before you~ a sunrise~ a ticklish toddler~ a load of laundry (kids still need you)~ husband's socks on the floor (he's still yous)~ snow to shovel~ family all snuggled together on the sofa...
Yes, I am going to do '1000 gifts'!
Although I think that, maybe, that was what I was already doing with 'Project 365'? Yeah, it was, but it's good to remember that I am not just documenting what I see,
More importantly...
What I see that I need to be grateful for! 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?