Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Today I am weird...

Today I am weird... yup, weird... back and forth... letting really stupid stuff get to me... at my desk... why am I like this?
I woke happy/ content... Matt and I slept over at work... nice to hear his breathing nearby~ he slept on a cot next to my bed... somehow I always sleep more peacefully when he is near... maybe because he is special... maybe because co-sleeping was how we kept him breathing when he was a baby... I dunno...  

I think it has a lot to do with what I am trying to accomplish right now...
and that I am seriously Not Backing Down!
I am still making mistakes..
oh, yeah...
but, I am really trying hard to get this right!!!
This week is a prayerful/ fasting/ heavy Bible study week...
Please, God... I'm trying...
I can see that my life is about to change in a big way... and this change will be a HUGE blessing...
but, the waiting... the patience thing... is tough...
it's not a lack of faith...
more of a tantrum...
"I want it and I want it now!"
Wonder how God feels about my attitude... my me-isms?
probably the way I feel when Matt acts the same way...
so now to get right...
seriously~ am I going to act like I'm two-years-old all day?!
time to pray for a bit... more Bible study (of course!)...
and move on to concentrate on the needs of others...
John, who is sad with no family at Christmas...
Teri, who sent Del to tell me not to call for a few days...
Most Importantly...
What is His divine will for my day today?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?