Friday, December 9, 2011

Stocking Up?!

Hi! Glad to see you again. Come on in and see what I've done to organize my linen closet floor.
This was not planned, but Matt was looking for something the other day and tossed everything into the bin... So... Since I had to clean it up anyways, why not organize it better?!
I pulled everything out into the little bitty hallway, then I scrubbed the closet floor thoroughly, leaving some little green pellets so the mice have full tummies!
Next I placed the bin on the floor and found the best position so as to allow me to store everything neatly. The bin is for toilet paper at a ratio on one roll/ person/ week and needing enough for a minimum of one year. In cleaning I found I only have a two week supply of toilet paper~ time to go shopping!
To the left is our soap supply at a ratio of 15 bars/ person/ year.
The bin on the bottom shelf is for my back-up supply of shampoo and conditioner. To the left of that is my small supply of toothpastes and toothbrushes. Then assorted face washes, deodorants and lotions as well as some hair color supplies. As I look at it now, I can see I am not nearly as stocked as I had planned to be by this date. But, at least it's clean and I can find what I need!
It's so clean and neat now!
I can find everything I need!!!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?