Thursday, December 15, 2011

Prepping for a Zombie Apocalypse...

Welcome back!!!
Where are you in prepping for the Zombie Apocalypse?
Although I think we'll be OK... well, maybe not... are we talking hoards of Zombies roaming the streets? Martial Law? Why am I not prepped?
Matt and I talked about scenarios while I drove him to school this morning...
Today was a good time to bring this up as I forgot to buy milk and poured evaporated milk on his cereal this morning... "Buddy, if they declare martial law, this will be what we're drinking!"
Do we have Zombies now?
Take a slow drive through that neighborhood you avoid... look into their eyes... desperately poor... addictions... little to no nourishing food available... lacking the ability to change their situation...
They are the current Zombie Apocalypse!
How skilled are we at survival?
The most skilled are, we decided, the servicemen and women... due to the nature of their jobs and training, they almost automatically will survive...
Next in line are the homesteaders... voluntarily living off their own land... acutely aware of their environment... refusing to die...
Then come the homeless... they have instincts that are scary!
After that we counted in all Boy Scouts...
Then the Webelos... (Boy Scouts in training)...
Then Cub Scouts...
The rest of the population? Well, all that posh living doesn't do much to prepare you... your designer clothes and acrylic nails will be useless... all the money in your bank will be untouchable, if not worthless...
Matt and I chatted on... ...
What if martial law is declared?
After 'snowpocalypse' last year, what did we learn about being stuck at home indefinitely?
Tonight Matt is going to make a list of what we should have stocked up...
then find out how much 'stocked up' means...
how many rolls of TP/ person/ year?
(We only have four rolls right now!)
What about board games?
Do we have all the pieces?
We must assume electric will be down due to a storm or EMP...
And, maybe, art supplies...
that could keep us busy for hours!
And yarn for me to knit...
(knitting relaxes me)...
Then he will make up a shopping list for us to prep...
Matt is now responsible (on a ten-year-old level) for our Zombie Apocalypse preps...
I think he's going to enjoy this new responsibility and the fun of being ready for anything!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?