Tuesday, December 20, 2011

If and When I Will be Obedient...

Good Morning!
How are you this blessed morning? Such a beautiful day!
I must say that I came to a realization how great my rebellion truly is... I was standing in my living room in front of my stereo last night listening to K-love and glanced over my shelf of Bibles and Bible study books...
there, on my shelf, was "Empowered for the Call" by Dr. Tim Bagwell...
I found myself thinking, "who gave me this? why was it important I read this and apply it to my life?" I reached for it without realizing what I was doing, and, as I looked at the cover, I remembered the sweet friend who asked me to read it and return it... I believe he had borrowed it from his Pastor! uh-oh... that was a year ago... and, of course, he is so very kind as to not have said anything... he's just patiently waiting to see if and when I will be obedient enough to read and apply this book to my life!
I riffled through the pages and found the notes I'd taken and remembered that I had previously realized those notes were so scant they only make sense if I'm actively reading the book! ...but I knew I absolutely HAD to reread the 40 pages I had already read twice, then finish the book while taking notes I can actually refer back to later coherently... and be able to share these notes with others wanting to grow in this direction...
I was in the middle of my usual ADHD cleaning of my house, so I laid the book on my bed, looking at it longingly.. then I went back to add more boards to my fire (boards burn fast, so I am back in there at least every half hour)... and on to check laundry, finish cleaning the stove top, work on Matt's Career Arrow...
then... I read a bit of the book...
yes, I am still in a bit of rebellion...
tonight, after we get home from Pack 61 Christmas party, I am going to pull out a fresh notebook and delve in...
as I sit at my desk contemplating payroll, I am longing to read this book...
tonight around 9:00pm... a fresh cup of coffee... a fresh notebook... a good book that will help me grow into the Christian I need to be...
Thank you, my dear friend, for sharing your book so patiently!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I started reading two days ago... as it is pretty intense and extremely important that I fully understand and apply everything I read, I read up to page 2 (including un-numbered intro pages) the first night and up to page 6 last night... solid notes this time :) This is Such a good book! I recommend it to anyone wanting to fulfill God's calling on their lives!!!


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?