Monday, December 5, 2011

Hedge Against Winter Storms

Well, Hello! Welcome back.
As I cook our supper I am reminded of how truly fortunate we are. All comfy and snug with a toasty fire going and supper bubbling away on the stove top. What more could we ask for?!
After last year's snowpocalypse I am a bit more concerned about prepping. Weather emergencies are my greatest concern, so I tend to prep more for those.
I will admit, though, that I was greatly remiss this summer in gathering firewood. We are sorely lacking in firewood, having barely enough to get us through another week.
Because I focused on other things I am finding myself in a desperate, and potentially chilly situation. Tonight I must post a request for free firewood on Joliet_Area Freedom in yahoo groups. They're a good group and I should be out gathering firewood shortly!
Stay toasty and be prepared!!!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?