Friday, December 23, 2011

Dropping Off the Face of the Earth

Sometimes, for my own sanity, I simply drop off the face of the earth.
That means that I don't initiate contact with anyone. I don't make phone calls unless absolutely necessary. I do take (or return incoming calls), but share no personal info.
I do smile and say "good morning" to those I encounter, though. No need to be rude.
The reason for dropping off the face of the earth is two-fold.
First, it allows me to go back to just being me, more importantly being who He wants me to be, without worrying about what others are going to think, comment on, or spread about me.
Second, it gives me a chance to see who actually reaches out to me when I 'disappear'. This was not the original intent of dropping off the face of the earth, just an interesting by-product!
I have someone 'close' to me who actually told me repeatedly on the phone, "Don't feel like you need to call me back for a few days!" So... I simply quit calling her. And... she started to call me just to see what I was doing...
I have been slowly fading into the scenery over the last month or so... with one person/ group of people at a time... some have noticed... funny how this is such an accurate barometer!
Last night a 'friend' told me who I should marry... again... for the umpteenth time... regardless of what the Holy Spirit is telling me... best to fade away into the scenery... not discuss it...
sometimes it's nice to just share what the chickens are doing and leave it at that! 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?