Saturday, November 19, 2011

Weekend Already?!

Good Morning friends!!! Welcome back to my little world... I have to tell you straight off that I was a bit panicked yesterday morning...I mean, it wasn't like I didn't see it coming... BUT... I didn't see it coming as a Huge Glaring Error! Seriously... when 'they' came out to do lead-abatement on my house 'they' painted it white in some areas (because it would liiok normal and consistent if it was all one color!)... so... as i pulled out of the drive yesterday morning, after noticing that ALL the leaves from the huge tree out front are now on the drive, my house is no longer invisible!!!  All summer I was hidden behind vegitation... my tree, rose bushes, asparagus, hibiscus... now I must re-evaluate my situation... how to be invisible in winter?
I am at reading their article, "Occupy a Garden". Makes me think about where I was going with my property and what I simply haven't gotten done... amazing that the more I get done, the more I see that I've missed... sometimes it seems like the simplest fixes are the ones not getting done~ LOL...
why aren't fence posts up to expand the chicken run?
why isn't screening stapled around front fence?
why isn't the whole front 'yard' mulched with 'paver' paths between plantings? why hasn't the bench we bought on clearance summer before last been put together?
why isn't the chicken coop insulated when the insulation is sitting at the house?
why didn't all the (evil) poison ivy get burried under tarps and lots of straw?
well, it's Saturday... and I am at work... until 4:30pm... first thing every morning I disinfect my desk... many hours are spent here every (almost0 day and I can't afford any extra germs... LOL!!! then a quick disinfectant wipe to the bathroom... and on to actual work... set up laptop (so I can listen to 104.7 WBGL)... and begin to balance rent books...
today Matt has emptied the back seat of the Jeep for me... I am of the opinion, at least for today, that my Jeep should NOT look like a landfill is in the back seat!!! Yes, I know I am disoriented, but I still hold out hope...
After listening to the furnace kick on/ off last night, like a freight train rumbling through my house,  I realized I have forgotten all the simple things I did last winter to prevent that... the wood stove is great, but I have to tend it off and on all night... SO... tonight I am going to get my food dehydrator up and running again... I have a fresh pineapple in the fridge (a gift from a friend)... I can cut it up for a snack tonight and put more than half in the dehydrator... it'll make a nice snack for the snack box in the Jeep!  and the dehydrator running all night and part of tomorrow at about 115*F will provide gentle warmth for us... not enough to make us want to run wild in shorts, but enough to take the nip out of the air...
then there is the simple idea of baking... hmmm... I could bake in the oven... but... I would really Love to learn to bake on/ under my wood stove... I started to experiment with different ideas I read about last winter... then spring hit and practice was postponed... but who can complain about spring?!?! SO... I really need to practice more... just Absolutely Hate hearing the furnace kick on... not just because it is so loud... but because every time it kicks on it is Needlessly Sucking Up MY Money $$$!!!


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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?