Saturday, November 12, 2011

Stepping Out in Faith

This last week I took a mini unofficial survey/ poll on what each person would say I should do far as stepping out in faith or taking a giant leap of faith... the answers were interesting and revealing of how each person views me, my circumstances and, above all, God!
I do have to say, though, that, as soon as I began to ask for ideas, the holy Spirit revealed to me what I should do... that's where I really needed the answer from after all!
But, I continued asking as the answers were showing me who people are:

1. Turn in the keys/ quit your job w/out notice

2. Move back to Toledo~ relocating long distance is always your leap

3. Get your house ready to sell

4. Two said to "follow your heart and ignore opposition"

5. Have Faith in God

I now know way more about those around me than before and that info is useful. It was also not what I thought it would be as some who I am quite distant from were very kind and positive in their replies! And one I was close to gave an answer that revealed that I should advance with much caution in her presence...
So... as I move toward my calling, I am focused on where He is sending me... getting my physical and spiritual houses in order... it really is an ongoing process... re cleaning one room at a time at home and piling everything that needs to be sorted through in the family room, then scheduling a few evenings to watch DVDs and just sort it with the mindset of~ have I used it in the last year/ do I need it for records/ will I use it in the next year/ would I take it with if I had to bug-out? ...keeping up (or trying to) with Sunday school Bible study, allowing my self to grow though Sunday sermons and both connect groups, and lots of prayer with occasional fasting as the Spirit moves me...
What is my giant leap of faith? In a nutshell it is living my life as if what is promised has already happened/ is about to happen within days!  I know He will provide what He has promised, but I must follow through in faith... "He honors what we do..." ... in other words, He sees my response to His answers to my prayers and He fullfills promises as I act in faith...
God is Always Good!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?