Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dehydrating Thanksgiving Dinner

Hello! Happy Thanksgiving to you! So glad you could stop by our humble homestead. Take off your shoes and come sit by the fire with a hot cup of coffee~ now doesn't that feel better?
How was your dinner? Are you stuffed and sleepy? Any leftovers? We had my friend, Jessie, over and we all ate too much!
After dinner we still had a lot left so I pulled out my dehydrator trays and began to load them with yummy food. The first tray was the cilantro. The second was mashed potatoes as my sister told me it's a good way to make instant potatoes. The last two are turkey.
This won't begin to make a dent in our prepping, but it sure will be nice to know there is a bit of survival food in our meager pantry!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device


  1. We are making turkey broth today. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!

  2. We started to dehydrating turkey today. It will be good to have it another day.

  3. Hey!!! I looked further down the page. I can share these blogs on Facebook, Too Cool!!!

  4. We started dehydrating cranberry sauce yesterday. Has anyone tried this? Will it work?


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?