Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Am I Busy?

The other day a friend mentioned to me in passing that only one of her friends was truly busy.
Although the comment was not meant to be hurtful it was meant to remind me that, although I run a homestead alone, am raising a handicapped child alone and work 6 days/ week, I simply 'should' be taking on more responsibility.
Funny, I think the same way some times, many times. And I am slowly learning to say, 'No. No I can't take on that project.'
 As time goes by this gets easier. So many of the projects weren't of any real benefit to my family and were probably to just impress others, get on their good sire or 'feel' like I was part of a group. 
 Now I am learning to only take on projects when led to do so by the Holy Spirit.  I'm back to thinking about where God is leading me. What is the next step toward my calling? 
It's amazing how something as simple as this has opened up so much more free time for family activities and how much it has reduced my stress level! The act of doing something for someone who will never think well of you is a self-defeating act. I was deliberately spinning my wheels doing projects that, by their nature and origin, would never be 'good enough' for for those in charge. 
Now I spend those precious hours enjoying a good little boy and giving him the patient love and discipline he desperately needs and deserves. It is a blessing on my life to teach him to make jam and encourage him as he sorts all the guy stuff on his bedroom floor. 
And, now that God is back at the helm of my life, everything runs smoother and I fell the calm of knowing it's all in His hands!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?