Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sacrificing for Our Freedom

Have you ever noticed that a good day is any day you can wake up and freely thank God for the morning ?!
I can't imagine living in a country where I wouldn't be able to openly pray or read my Bible. So many times I have I sat in public and read my Bible... usually while waiting for dismissal time at Matt's old school. What if I not only couldn't read it publicly, but had to keep it hidden at home and read behind closed drapes?
I know those countries exist. I hear about it on the news (like CBN). 
Have you ever thought about how many have sacrificed so you and I can have that freedom? 
How many of our young people have sacrificed their lives? 
How many come home missing arms or legs from a battle?
How many come home so seriously psychologically affected by all they've seen and heard that they are unable to have 'normal' lives?
How much we owe them! 
All I can say is,
Thank You So Much!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?