Saturday, June 4, 2011

Checking My Preparedness as I Clean and Re-Organize My Home

Yes, it really is up to each of us to take care of ourselves in a disaster! Hurricane Katrina should have jump-started everyone as obviously the GOV is not going to respond until most victims are dead. 
All this has me deep cleaning and re-organizing my home. Taking note of what is/ is not stocked as I go. 
Funny how just the simple act of deep cleaning and re-organizing can remind me all too clearly that I am simply not ready for any sort of real disaster! 
I gaze out a freshly washed window at the tent that is put up in such a way the rain blows in... can't figure out what I need to change! If we had to stay in it in a disaster situation, we would be in trouble... 
And there is my 'garden'... if you are a visionary, you would call it that... if you are a realist, you would ask what I cook from all the weeds?! Yes, you do have to plant veggies to harvest them!!!
I took my daughter her dorm size fridge and stacked empty canning jars where it had been... nice to have all those boxes out of the living room! But... why aren't they full of jams, tasty meals and salsas? 
I head to the linen closet to put fresh sheets away... uh-oh! Only six rolls of toilet paper left! Why didn't I restock that?!?! 
Well, tonight I intend to continue deep cleaning and re-organizing... by morning I should have a long shopping list! Hopefully my BOB and EDC will be completely packed by the time I go to sleep tonight...
How Ready are You Really?!?!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?