Friday, May 20, 2011


Funny how I've wanted to write this particular blog for awhile now and just couldn't get started... now that tomorrow is the day, I have motivation... life is odd like that... So, what is so special about 5.21.11? Well, maybe nothing... maybe it will be just another day... but, there are a few theories out there floating around that I find interesting... I, personally, enjoy all the theories as each makes me stop and look at how I view the world... each requires me to do a bit of research... research is always good as it expands my knowledge... learning is always a good thing... sometimes I simply learn that people don't know what they are talking/ blogging about... sometimes I find useful info... regardless, I have learned something...
So, for tomorrow... I have heard two different options for us... 
The first is that Jesus is finally returning for the His church.... While this would be truly wonderful and I'm as ready as I'm gonna get, I just don't see it specifically happening tomorrow... at least not with a date posted on a billboard... seriously people! Do you read your Bibles?!?! "He will come like a thief in the night." It is not for us to know the exact date and time of His return... that is why it is So critical for us to each get saved and maintain our own salvation with fear and trembling... He will return when we least expect it... expect it every day... 
Every Day!
The second theory is that there will be a Mega Quake tomorrow... well, I am closely watching the PDC World Disaster Alerts app on my iPhone... there is an awful lot of activity along the New Madrid Fault Line... and it does seem to be gearing up for something... if you don't have that app, Get it Now! It is so cool!!! Anyways, the increase in volcanic activity and the shear number of quakes makes me a bit nervous... I'm not sure that anyone can predict a Mega Quake that accurately, but... I could see how a Mega Quake scheduled by HAARP could happen on a specific pre-published schedule... 
This is supposed to flood the center of the US from Canada to Mexico to one degree or another... Mega Quake... 10.0 or greater... this quake, triggered by all the recent quakes, is supposed to trigger a flooding that will wipe out everything at/below 500 ft above sea level...  
So, are you prepared for tomorrow, 5.21.11? 
I am saved and I think I am prayed up... :)
I have a duffel bag and an outfit each for Matt and I packed...
I am So not ready for a Mega Quake! I guess this is my wake-up call on my bug-out bags... get it together, woman!!! Tonight I will finish packing the duffel bag, which should be kept in the Jeep, get tire pressure checked, snack box filled, back pack finally organized with all our assorted band aids and neosporin, plan what to do to make this the ultimate adventure for Matt vs a life-altering disaster, and watch the app all night... 
How prepared are you for a major disaster?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?