Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Beauty of Compost

Ah! Fresh seasoned compost. Is there anything to compare with it?
This particular compost pile was created in the summer of 2008. It has had almost three years for the worms to work their magic. After sitting long enough to become grown over with chocolate mint, digging it up to spread on the cardboard for a fresh garden spot is truly an aromatic adventure!
This was to be a permanent compost bin location. Initially Candace and I attempted to build a compost bin out of segments of limestone we found on the homestead. We hauled the pieces, placed each carefully and concreted in place.
Then, the next morning, we realized that the concrete had not been properly mixed and the pieces of limestone were all loose! As we didn't have time to build a fresh bin, we filled it as it was.
Looking back I can say that it was improperly placed and improperly built, but I am grateful for it none the less.
My garden this year is partially dependent on that little dilapidated compost bin that sits way too close to the house!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?