Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ramblings from the Homestead

Good morning! 
It's a beautiful day in Illinois! 
I can only hope it is at least half as beautiful where you are.
My day started off pretty well~ Matt made it to school barely on time, but against his better judgement~ LOL! 
The chickens were all waiting when I finally got out there, just inside the people door, for me to finally let them out the doggy door into their run. I could almost hear them saying, "Come on, Mom! We want to play outside!" I threw a handful of assorted spices on the floor of the coop and two of the girls began to scratch at the bedding there.
And so now I sit at work~ it seriously is a 4-letter word! 
Not so bad today~ did a couple dishes, swept out my bathroom, read the paper.
Now on to finishing (not that I'm ever done!) balancing out rent books. I am grateful that this part never ends as there would be no money for our paychecks if the tenants didn't pay rent. So, I will pause here and balance books for a bit.
Hmmm........ so I have noticed that I am in need of Bible study and prayer time. Missing three weeks of church has left me way beyond needing my battery recharged! I am seriously not liking myself very much~ such a grouchy demeanor I had this morning. Yuck!! 
Yes, I was outwardly smiling, but, inside, I noticed, I was not feeling very Christian. 
Thinking I Need to start hitting my knees. Have got to get back to basics. 
48.0 F degrees in the parking lot at work. Weather bug says it's the same temperature at Taft Elementary school. Always good to crosscheck! 
It is a good day to play outside~ ride bikes, start yard work... 
I am feeling a deep need to buy the discount mulch out back at Menard's! Hmmmm............. wondering how long it would take me to move the prickly pear and patio for the toter out of my parkway and raise that flower bed to about three feet high? Then I can replant my prickly pear and move the climbing rose and hibiscus out there, too! Surrounded by a fresh layer of mulch that little corner will be So Pretty! 
A bright, happy, flowery dam to hold back flood water from the neighbor's yard. 
Yup! Need to play outside tonight!!! And Matt can ride his bike. Oooo! I can't wait to get home!!!
Headed outside to take Matt fresh clothes at school~ What a Beautiful Day!!! 
Rolled down the window on the Jeep and put my arm out! 
Ah, Spring is finally here!
It's like a whole new beginning.
Can't wait to get out of work!!! 
Do I stay late to see how the new outside lighting Ken Kemp is putting up for us is bright enough? 
Not tonight! 
Tonight I leave on time so Matt and I can play outside. 
Tomorrow night I will check all the new lights as I have to attend a neighborhood meeting in the evening anyway. 
Hopefully these new lights will be bright enough that the problem children will stay across the street where things are not well lit!!! We like our rental properties safe and quiet. Too many senior, veteran and handicapped tenants here to tolerate anything else.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?