Thursday, March 31, 2011

Keeping it all in Perspective

Do I have to be perfect? 
Does everything have to be done today?
Does my house have to be spotless?
Maybe it's enough that Captain Asperger has on clean clothes?
Or that we read another chapter of a book together?
That we still are getting along?
That Matt was dry all day?  :)
Maybe it's way more important that we took a long hike together and rediscovered why we're best friends?
Yes, the house does need to be way more organized, 
With the issues my child has...
And me working 48 hours/ week....
I have to prioritize....
I'd rather have Matt happy than have a perfectly spotless house.
I get a little more organized every day and that's okay with me.
Some things are simply way more important than a perfect veneer!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?