Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Apocalypse?

Well, dear friends, I am still waiting for the blizzard to hit... Maybe my perspective is due to the years I lived in Bradford, PA...? I'm thinking that is probably the case... I look out the door and think, "Finally, a decent amount of snow!" well, I have been saying, "We either need three feet at once or none at all!" This messing around with an inch here and there just doesn't seem right~ or logical...
Yes, there is the remnant of a large TV in my driveway... it belongs to Matt who brought it home to strip it of copper for his recycling business... he started to take it apart when cute little Destiny wandered over and he lost interest in the copper and spent the last day warm enough to do anything worthwhile outside trying to impress a girl with his abilities to pummel a TV with brute strength! As it is frozen to the drove, I have decided to ignore it until the spring thaw!
Are you getting any decent amounts of fluffy white stuff?
'Snow Day' tomorrow?
Any special plans?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?