Sunday, January 23, 2011

Seeds for the Future

Okay, folks, Spring is just around the corner so it's time to drag out all the seeds you harvested/ had left over from last year. 
Thinking back, was your garden successful last year? The year before? Was the difference due to the planting method or the seeds you used? If you're like me, you are always reading up on the old, time tested methods of planting and trying those 'new' concepts out! 
Okay, so we're sorting our seed packets~ good vs compost. What's left? 
I know my corn (both varieties I planted) came up and produced well for a change. I know I have a few kernels left of each, but not enough to plant the next few years. Not really even enough for this year. I wonder if the unopened packets I have are the same varieties/ manufacturer? 
Sad to say, but I'm pretty sure all my seeds are hybrid and GMO. That means that I really absolutely have to replace all my seeds with heirloom non-hybrid non-GMO seeds in order to protect my future and the future of my family. 

1 comment:

  1. We have tried a garden for the last two years, with limited success. We have been planting garlic just before the ground freezes. It does well in sunny spots. This year we planted about 30 cloves. I hope that they all come up.


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?