Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thoughts While Waiting

Well, good afternoon! 
Glad you could stop by to chat a minute... 
here I sit waiting for Matt's school to let out... 
I'm not very good with just sitting, so I tend to knit and/or make lists... 
Today my thoughts are on the cold weather... 
Too cold to be out doing chores...
 But up to 22 F degrees
As soon as I pick up Matt, we have to stop by a house that offered us free firewood (subsistence living)... 
Then pick up something fairly healthy to eat and head back to work... 
 Tonight I have for to get tarps strung up around the chicken run ...
 I am thinking I van use a length of rope run through the loops on the shower curtains and tarp and run in and out of the chicken wire and frame of the run... 
Has to be done to protect the feathered children from the frigid winds... 
Then I also absolutely must begin stapling leftover floor padding in between the wall studs in the coop... 
A quick attempt at insulating...
 I'll staple clear plastic over it... 
Think that will be a lot easier to clean that drywall or durarock...
 Last few times I was out in the coop it was 10- 20 F out there!
 Way too cold for my poor chickens...
 I'd like them as comfortable as possible...
What are your coop strategies?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?