Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Typical Weekday...

Well, hello there! Sorry I've been away for a while, but Matt had an emergency appendectomy and has kept me very busy. Come around back and we can chat while I hang more laundry!
Today was a busy day at work with books to balance and messages from prospective employees to retrieve from the answering machine. Of course there were also tenants and employees who needed attention.
Around 2:00pm Matt and I headed home. I set him up out back at the table to study. Then I threw a load of laundry in the washer and joined him. I worked on sorting job applications and set 2 interviews in between hanging out 3 loads of laundry. Matt got a lot of school work done.
After we picked Candi & Aiden up at work, I gave Matt a shower, treated Matt's staples (where the surgery was) and we all ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Aiden was quite impressed with the bites of sandwich I gave him. Then it was back to laundry. Seven loads hung and three ready to be hung tomorrow!
For a little extra fun I made a new batch of laundry soap and started knitting another hat.
Whatever your day brings you, make it happy and don't forget to speak kindly without criticism and to do something nice for yourself.


  1. Although we are always crazy-busy, I am so grateful for the life we have!

  2. life is full of unexpected things.. its always better to look on the bright side of everything.. and like you say there are people out there who have it worse than us...


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?