Sunday, November 15, 2009

Stocking Up On Wood!

Good morning! With the weather turning colder, I am thinking more and more about winter heating options. A couple nights it has dropped to 30-32 degrees F! So far we have been toasty, but we need to think ahead.
We were given a load of firewood by our friends Chris & Bettie McCollum, but that wood is already gone. Dave came over to help candace with the baby, so she had him haul in firewood from the back of our lot. It's enough to get us through 1-2 months. Then we're in trouble!
I did finally turn on the furnace. The darn thing is on it's last legs so I set it at 50 degrees as a back-up only.
Chris says they have extra firewood they can share and Matt and I have been picking up wood in the cemetery and as we drive around.
I failed to properly prepare and now must really hustle. The saying is So true:
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?