Sunday, October 25, 2009

Knitting for Youth Mental Health

Good Evening! How are you?
I am watching 'Deadliest Catch' and knitting another hat for the coat drive at Will County Community Health Center Youth Mental Health. A receptionist blessed me with 3 bags of yarn! It was like Christmas!!
They need stocking caps for 3-4 year olds, so I am focusing on the smaller hats. Picked up a pack of bells and a couple packs of large bright buttons at Walmart to knit into the hats for a little extra fun!
These kids go through so much, a happy hat can only be a good thing. I am thinking I should call my hats 'Heavenly Hats' as God directed me to this and I pray about each hat I knit. Almost as though each hat is being heavenly directed for a specific child.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?