Friday, April 3, 2009

What if We all Planted Edible Parkways?

What if each property owner planted an edible parkway?
Imagine your parkway (the area between your property line and the street~ roughly four feet here) planted with marigolds, tulips, strawberries, fruit trees, turnip greens, tomatoes, asparagus and peppers!
Imagine the beautiful colors... vegetables, herbs, fruit trees and edible flowers bordering the streets!
Imagine, also, that these parkways would provide food that was shared by everyone in the community.
Imagine wandering down the block to gather your dinner and stopping to chat with various neighbors whom are also out 'shopping'!
What better way for Americans to say we care than to plant an edible parkway?! Could you commit to try this? What would you like to plant?
My edible parkway that I barely started last year is just sprouting up! I am loving to see the turnip greens waving at me as I leave for work every morning! The blue berry and raspberry bushes that peek through the picket fence will bloom soon. And we planted peas and strawberries out there this week, too!
Plant an edible parkway, become a cooperative community and help end hunger in your town!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?