Thursday, April 9, 2009

Starting Out Along the Retaining Wall

Hi! Nice of you to stop by and enjoy the weather. Let's look at a photo from last summer while we sip some cinnamon coffee.
When we first started homesteading here, we had a neglected bare slate to beautify. One of the first things I planted was peas along the old retaining wall.
I went out and dug my row in the fresh spring soil and began to pop in the peas, when my neighbor came out. It seems there were bulbs planted there which hadn't come up yet. Well, not being fond of that particular flower, I offered to give her all the bulbs I found. Although this was meant as a kind gesture, it infuriated her! It seems she NEEDED for the bulbs to stay planted in that spot in my yard.
Needless to say, she lost that battle. And, to make the point that she was in charge, she later sprayed my pea plants down with ant poison causing me to have to throw the plants and all surrounding dirt in the garbage toter!
Although we must love and pray for our neighbors, that does not mean they are always a blessing.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?