Monday, April 6, 2009

Restarting the Parkway

Hi! Welcome back to our humble homestead! How are you today? Aren't you glad planting season has started?
Let's take our coffee out to the parkway. I've been working on an ornamental drainage ditch for that toxic street run-off. What do you think?
This is just a start. The little gully will have to be wider and deeper to hold up under big storms. I'm going to plant more ornamentals along the gully to help process out the toxins and act as a barrier to the edibles. Between the ornamentals and the fence will be more and more edibles.
Watch for more updates and loads of photos of the food growing in our edible parkway!
Would you plant an edible parkway? Could you do it as a neighborhood project?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?