Sunday, April 19, 2009

Garlic Peeks at the Sun

Happy Spring! Don't you love to see the new plants peeking up through the warming Spring soil? It gives me such a renewed sense of hope.
This is our garlic we just planted this Spring. Although it's supposed to be planted in the fall, we were unable to get it in last fall amd just went ahead and planted when the stores put it out to be planted this Spring.
So far it is growing beautifully; even weathering our out of season snow with out missing a beat.
We planted five bulbs around the perimiter of our front 'yard' in order to disuade the neighbor's stray cats from using our vegetable beds for a litter box and smoking lounge. We thought this had worked out wonderfully and we had not seen any cats out there until yesterday.
This year we will have enoigh garlic for our family with plenty to sell.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?