Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Free Firewood!

Well, hello! Welcome back to our homestead!
This picture was actually from last summer. We had a tree cut down on our property and kept the wood to cut up for firewwod.
We got to talking to the guy who cut down our tree and he said he has a lot of extra wood that he jas to dispose of.
We were SO excited!!!
We asked him to drop a load of wood in our parkway when he had a chance.
We were so happy to come home to an unsightly pile. It took us forever to cut and haul all of it, but it was such a blessing!
This year we will see if he will drop off more wood. Also, we cruise through Oakwood Cemetery regularly looking for fallen branches and kindling.
What is your family doing to accumulate free firewwod?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?