Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Floods Attacked!

Hi! Grab a cup of coffee and an umbrella and let's look at this situation.
This was the really hard rain we had last summer. As you can see the water ran into the neighbor's yard from the street and proceeded to flood both yards!
This was a toxic deluge of motor oil and antifreeze! Imagine watching this flow through your rain garden filled with all your vegetable plants! It was devastating!
This is why we began to dig drainage trenches. Now we are digging out all the contaminated soil. Then we have to put in fresh soil combined with fresh manure and last year's compost.
It's a lot of work to decontaminate the lot, but it will be worth it to have safe fresh vegetables!
How clean is the soil on your land?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?