Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What Did Your Family Read?

As you wander the cemetery, do you ever wonder who your relatives really were?Quite a lot can be learned from what they liked to read. What books were on their shelves? Who was their favrite author?
Here are a few of the books from Elmer & Ruth Rowley's (my grandparents) book shelves.
~ Gregg Shorthand Dictionary Anniversary Edition by John Robert Gregg, copyright 1930~ owned by Ruth Rowley
~ The Prospector by Ralph Connor, copyright 1904~ owned by Edna W. Rowley
~ The Ideal by Henry Drummond, copyright 1897~ owned by Dr. & Mrs. P. Burke (received as a Christmas present 1898), borowed by Mrs. J. Dale and returned for Mrs. Charles Lyon
~ Penrod by Booth Tarkington, copyright 1914, owned by Elmer Rowley (received December 23, 1923 from Aunt Belle & Family)
~ Opal by Opal Whiteley adapted by Jane Boulton, copyright 1984~ owned by Elmer & Ruth Rowley ( received as a gift from Mira Clapp)

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