Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Read My Farmer's Almanac

Hi! Nice of you to stop by again~ friends are always welcome! Let me pour you a cup of coffee so we can chat.
Have you looked at the forecast for this growing season in the farmer's Almanac? Brr... It's going to be so rainy and chilly here until May, I may need to chop more firewood! And we'll have to be cautious not to plant too soon~ it's so easy to get carried away and lose it all to frost.
With all the rain we have coming, I went to town and revamped the drainage ditch. As soon as we get a good heavy rain, we can see how well I did.
Let's wander out side with a fresh cup of coffee and I'll show you what plants are finally coming up...
Watch out for the mud!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?