Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Face Embroidered

Not bad for my first freehand embroidered face! And, I haven't done much embroidery since Candace was a baby and I hand stitched little outfits for her.
Not bad for being so terribly out of practice, if I do say so myself.

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Caleigh's Dolly

Her little face is taking shape!

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What Sort of Mouth...?

Well, I'm at the point where I need to design her mouth. I sort of want a cute little old fashioned pucker, but am a bit unsure how to achieve this.
Well, here goes...!

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Caleigh's Birthday Present

Well, I've started Caleigh's dolly for her Birthday in November. The dolly's body has been cut out and I've begun stitching on the little facial features.

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Day 120/ 365

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Rt 30

Cass Street Bridge over I & M Canal in Joliet, IL.

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Transplanting a Currant Bush

This one was originally in the front parkway, but now sits happily along a new pond.

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 118/ 365

A bit of laundry...

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Day 118/ 365

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Day 118/ 365


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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Matt made Dinner!

We had a yummy salad and spaghetti. He's turning into such a good cook!!!

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Farmer Matt!

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Time to Get Comfy?

No, not really.
Time to have Matt remake his bed he stripped earlier.
Time to comb out my hair before it dries completely with the knots in it.
Time to pull together the pattern for Caleigh's dolly (for her birthday).

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Eliminate 10 Challenge

Hi! Are you doing this super-easy challenge?! It is too fun!!! All you have to do is eliminate 10 items from your home every day. Tonight I have already eliminated four (4) bath towels, six (6) hand towels and five (5) wash cloths. These will go to the 'free pile' tomorrow at work to bless someone. Some of these are still very usable as bath items while others really only qualify as cleaning rags. Regardless, I'm pretty sure someone will put each to good use!

Even after eliminating so much, I obviously have more bath towels than I can comfortably store in the space I have allotted.
down the road I will eliminate more!

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Odd 'Cloud'

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Day 116/ 365

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Day 116/ 365

Happy Sunny Friday!

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Start of a New Hat

While Matt sells Camp Cards I knit.

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Day 115/ 365

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