Friday, August 10, 2012

She is an Invisible Child

She is an invisible child.
Perhaps she's a reminder of what could have been. Of what went terribly wrong. Or of a mistake made.
She sits quietly in the shadows. No one notices she hurts. Or when she gets sick.
Or no one wants to acknowledge she's there. For some reason they kept her when they could have easily given her away.
She is an invisible child.

Under the Table

As she sits under the dining room table in the dark, she hears him coming. He thinks he's quiet.
Her parents sleep on peacefully. Or do they?
She wonders if he'll find her this time? How long can she sit under here?
The chair legs seem so sturdy~ make her feel safe.
The table puts her in shadow. For now she is invisible. Invisible is good. Invisible is safe.
She is glad she got to the table before he found her.

Blog Repairs

Dear Patient Readers, 
I am currently doing intense repairs to my blog and hope to be back up and running today! I found the bad link that was a potential threat. And, although it never actually left any malware, and had really good homesteading ideas, I removed it from the list of blogs I follow. I will advise the site owners of the issue~ hopefully they will rectify it! 
Thank you so much for all your patience and faithfulness as I've struggled with these issues. As always, my followers are Awesome!!!