Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Joy Dare ~~ September 2015

11th~ 3 hard eucharisteo . . .
:) dirty dishes
:) multitude of tasks
:) conversation

12th~ 3 gifts in His Word  . . .
:] peace within
:] proper instruction
:] solid plan

13th~ a gift scented, scrawled, started . . .
  *_* Febreeze on carpet
  *_* list
  *_* house revamp

14th~ 3 gifts drawn . . .
=] mop water
=] understanding of His plan
=] bath water

15th~ 3 gifts paired . . .
~_~ faith and acts
~_~ Bible study and growth
~_~ sweet smile and my heart

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?